The German group of chemistry and pharmacy Bayer announced on Wednesday an agreement on a compensation of about $ 10 billion with complainants americans blaming the Round’Up, a pesticide containing glyphosate marketed by its subsidiary Monsanto, the cancer from which they suffer.

read also : Why glyphosate is a false problem, public health

This agreement “will put an end to about 75% of disputes” involving the Round’up, “that concern about 125,000 complaints in total,” said Bayer in a press release.

The editorial team conseilleMalgré a good start to the year, Bayer hardens on the glyphosate10 commentairesNicolas Antolele 24/06/2020 20:22

justice US who wakes up on the day Monsanto goes under the banner of German, one wonders which houses the toxicity in this case…

Max Maîtrele 24/06/2020 20:21

During this time, in France, we continue to deal with the environmentalists of all the names….

Lefuret of the val de marnele 24/06/2020 20:15

$ 10 billion to share with 125 000 patients about 8000 euros for a cancer , the families appreciate this great generosity.

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