The almost summer or ‘veroño’ time of most October in almost all of Spain gives way this Thursday to a remarkable thermal descent inside the peninsular north, which will extend on Friday to part of the Mediterranean area.

The prediction of the Meteorology State Agency (AEMET) points out that temperatures will fall throughout the country except in the Mediterranean provinces.

The maximum temperatures will be between 6 and 10 degrees that on Wednesday in a large part of the North Half and even the decline could be extraordinary – that is, more than 10 degrees less in just 24 hours- in points of the Basque Country, Cantabria,
North of Castile and León, and La Rioja.

The thermal drop will be remarkable in several capitals of the northern half, such as Bilbao, Burgos and Vitoria (nine degrees less than Wednesday);
Logroño, Oviedo and Pamplona (eight);
Palencia, San Sebastián, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid (Seven), Ávila, Salamanca, Santander and Teruel (six).

The explanation is that the winds will go to the west and the north, and they will blow strongly in the Cantabrian, with which they will drag colder air.

On the other hand, the sky will be clouded in Galicia, the Cantabrian area and Pyrenees, where it could rain faintly.
In the northern half of the Mediterranean area, an increase in cloudiness with possible chubascos is expected, more likely in eastern Catalonia.
With the thermal descent, the snow will appear above 2,000 meters in the Pyrenees.

The sun will shine in the rest of the peninsula, although there will be cloudy intervals at the beginning of the day in the rest of its northern half and some half and high clouds in the south.
The Canary Islands will have cloudy intervals in the north of the islands and skies practically cleared in the south.

On the other hand, temperatures will rise in the south and the peninsular southeast, where the north and northwest winds will arrive reheated, with which there will be between 30 and 32 degrees in Alicante, Málaga and Murcia.