The Grenoble Criminal Court tried an 18-year-old girl and two men, aged 19 and 20, in a single-judge trial on Thursday. On the night of April 19, to 20, two high school students and a student from high school were accused of committing violence against three UNI (National Interuniversity Union), activists in downtown Grenoble. The tension was rising between the two groups, who were seated at two bars adjacent to each other in Place Dr Leon-Martin. After the bars closed, both groups left the establishments. The three UNI activists, feeling threatened, then filmed half-a-dozen members of the other group (roughly anti-fascist activists), following them. The three UNI activists then got into an altercation and struck blows.

The sentence against the three defendants, who were previously unknown to justice, was 70 hours community service.

The August 31st decision was taken.