Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – Hesse’s Transport Minister Tarek Al-Wazir has described the planned Germany-wide 49-euro ticket as “huge progress in local public transport”. This will begin a new era and the previous fare system will be turned upside down, said the Green politician on Tuesday after a conference of transport ministers.

Such a fundamental change in the range of tickets offered by the more than 70 German transport associations would take time, explained Al-Wazir. For example, questions about state aid law would have to be clarified at European level. It must also be examined whether additional legislative changes are necessary. The countries are aiming for the ticket to start by April 1st at the latest.

The digital, nationwide valid ticket is intended for an introductory price of 49 euros per month in a monthly cancellable subscription – that has been decided in principle. The ticket is the successor to the 9-euro ticket from the summer, which sold millions of times.