Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – The Higher Regional Court (OLG) Frankfurt has suspended the arrest warrant against a suspected Islamist. The decision, which conditionally releases the 29-year-old woman, was announced at the trial on Thursday, a court spokeswoman said. The woman, who was born in Bad Homburg, has the opportunity to see her four children again.

The indictment accuses the 29-year-old of having been a member of two terrorist organizations abroad after she and her husband left for Syria in 2013. In addition, the representative of the Attorney General’s Office accused her of violating her duty of care and education. With wards in the combat zone, she put up with significant injuries to the physical and mental development of her children.

For the first time in such a terror trial, the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court is also dealing with the duty of care towards children of suspected Islamists who were born in the combat zone. In a personal statement, the accused distanced herself from IS and its ideology. She justified the fact that she stayed in the Syrian civil war zone with the fear of losing her children if she returned to Germany.