Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The trial of a vigorous trade in amphetamines and other banned substances began on Tuesday in Frankfurt with a comprehensive confession by the accused. Before the district court, the 44-year-old accused said he had traded the drugs because he wanted to finance his own addiction. In addition, an acquaintance who was also a drug addict had asked him to do so.
The police became aware of the accused’s apartment in Frankfurt-Preungesheim in October last year after corresponding information was found on a mobile phone stolen during a car theft. During a search of the home, officers found drugs spilled on the floor. According to the information, it was several kilograms of ecstasy, amphetamines and 100 grams of cocaine. Smaller amounts of cannabis and testosterone substances were also seized.
The criminal court has scheduled two more days of hearings and wants to conclude the process at the end of March. (Az: 5840 Js 248844/22)