Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – High costs for energy and food kept inflation in Hesse above the eight percent mark in June. Consumer prices rose by 8.1 percent compared to June 2021, as reported by the State Statistical Office in Wiesbaden on Wednesday. In May, the annual inflation rate in Hesse reached 8.4 percent, its highest level in 48 years.

According to the state office, energy prices rose by an average of 41.8 percent compared to June of the previous year. Heating oil rose in price by 109.2 percent and natural gas by 86.2 percent. Consumers also had to pay significantly more for fuel (plus 33.9 percent) than a year ago. Electricity prices rose by 24.2 percent.

According to the statisticians, food prices increased by 12.3 percent compared to the same month last year. Edible fats and oils (up 41.2 percent) and butter (up 43.3 percent) were above average.

The federal government is trying to relieve people, among other things, with a tank discount since the beginning of June and a 9-euro ticket for local public transport. According to the statisticians in Hesse, tickets for local transport and fuel were cheaper in June than in May. Consumers had to pay 4.8 percent less for fuel than in the previous month. Gasoline was 6.6 percent cheaper, while diesel was 0.7 percent more expensive.