Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – In view of the discussion about the publication of secret NSU files, the Hessian left-wing parliamentary group has called for support for a planned nationwide archive on the subject of right-wing terrorism. “We are already calling on the state government to get actively involved in this process and to discuss with the federal government what Hessen’s contribution to this archive can be,” said Torsten Felstehausen on Thursday in Wiesbaden.

Felstehausen said it was commendable that the federal government also wanted to include documents on topics such as the attack in Hanau or the murder of CDU politician Walter Lübcke in the archive.

He advocated abolishing the protection of the constitution and setting up an independent “observatory for authoritarianism and group-related enmity” instead. Among other things, this should observe and educate about right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and religious fundamentalism. However, the proposal is not new. As early as 2021, the Federal Left Party formulated such a demand in its election program for the federal election.

The so-called NSU files of the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution are the result of an examination in which the authority examined its own files and documents on right-wing extremism for possible references to the right-wing terrorist network “National Socialist Underground” (NSU). The papers were recently published by Jan Böhmermann on the “Ask the State” platform and the “ZDF Magazin Royale” and posted on the Internet.