Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – After a particularly brutal street robbery in Frankfurt’s train station district, the two perpetrators were sentenced to long prison terms by the Frankfurt Regional Court on Thursday. A 34-year-old man was given five years and eight months, and his accomplice, who was two years his junior, was given five years and one month. The criminal court convicted her of particularly serious robbery and dangerous bodily harm.

Perpetrator and victim knew each other from a previous visit to a pub in July last year, during which the later victim revealed a large amount of cash. A short time later, the brutal attack occurred, in which the victim suffered a fractured skull base and cerebral hemorrhage and only regained consciousness in the hospital. Since then, the man has suffered from serious health problems.

The men made confessions in court. After the crime, they took the victim’s cash and cell phone. The prison sentences were the result of an agreement between the court, the public prosecutor’s office and the defense. The verdict is not yet legally binding.