Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Because he threatened his wife with a cleaver, the public prosecutor wants a man to go to prison for eleven years and three months. The prosecution pleaded on Tuesday before the district court in Frankfurt on attempted murder. The crime happened in January of this year in downtown Frankfurt. However, the woman managed to entrench herself in a restaurant so that she was not injured. Only her companion suffered minor cuts. The jury wants to announce the verdict this Wednesday (December 21).

The act was preceded by the separation between the spouses, which apparently hurt the 50-year-old man. The background to the rift is said to have been a new relationship with the woman. According to the prosecutor, the 50-year-old had attacked the woman insidiously and for base motives. The defense, however, came out in favor of an acquittal. There is no intent to kill on the part of the accused. The man had protested in court that he only wanted to give the woman a “teaching lesson”.