in Front of the large screen that already shows a message of prevention, 380 seats unoccupied and a silence of death : the cinema UGC Ciné Cité in the 19th district of Paris is preparing methodically to welcome new viewers Monday, after more than three months of closure due to sars coronavirus.

Respect of the gestures barriers, social distancing, limiting rooms to 50% of their capacity : in the face of the sanitary measures imposed by authorities, the 14-screen cinema has had to adapt.

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“On 22 June, all the fun of the cinema found”, is displayed outside on a nag screen. In front of the resort, the Food Truck is already in place, the programming is displayed, but the metal curtain is still down, waiting for the return of the lovers of the seventh art.

approaching terminals to purchase, bands to the floor invite the viewer to comply with the measures of distance physical. A few meters away, leaning against the wall and on the doors of the establishment, the distributors of the hydroalcoholic gel has been installed.

to give priority to the reservation

terminal purchase are touch-enabled, “they will be cleaned approximately every 30 minutes, just like the railings of the escalator,” says AFP Natacha Bouchaudon, director of the film. “We favor also the reservation which is now free,” she continued.

Other precautions : the doors will remain open to the “maximum” and signage on the ground has been added to avoid “that the incoming and outgoing streams intersect”.

inside of the establishment, the messages calling for the respect of sanitary measures are ubiquitous, on posters, but also on the ground. In places of contact between the employees and the audience, like the one where you can buy popcorn or other treats, panes of acrylic were added.

“The port of the mask will be mandatory for the employees”, explains the director of the place. On the other hand, it will be only advised for the public. The ticket control will be visual, “then it was tearing to validate it”, before the epidemic.

The great reception room of the audience is plunged into silence. Tables and chairs have been removed to provide more space between users. The stools of the bar were convicted.

The impression that vacuum increases to the second floor, in room 13 of the complex, one of the two largest in the cinema. On the screen appears the message already addressed to the spectators for the re-opening : “To protect myself and others, I leave a chair free between me or my group and the other spectators.”

Capacity reduced by half

In the coming weeks, the halls will be limited to 50% of their capacity. In spite of all these precautionary measures, the director of the institution is pleased to be open and said he was “impatient to meet our audience, so that the cinema becomes a place of life, of sharing and conviviality”.

read also : The cinema 22 June: ask for the programme !

To Florian Malicet, responsible for operating the cinema, the reopening is also a relief, after several weeks of partial unemployment. “I am very, very happy,” he says. At the beginning, we didn’t know where we were going but we were reassured by the protocol”.

“The only question I asked myself was how do I implement all of the recommendations. When we saw that we had the materials, it came naturally”, develop.

The week of 22 June, the cinema will offer an eclectic program, a thirty films including new releases, movies that were being broadcast during the closing of the theaters in march, and a programming schedule including a selection of the best films of 2019 and the classics of the seventh art.

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