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The arrival of successive fronts atlantic will mark the time this week in the west and the north of the peninsula because it will bring rains in many places and snow in mountainous areas, while the quiet time may predominate in areas around the mediterranean and the Canary islands.

One of the spokespersons of the State Agency of Meteorology (Aemet), Rubén del Campo, pointed out on Monday, Servimedia, “a carousel of fronts atlantic” will be coming along this week, which will be passed by water mostly in the west of the peninsula (Galicia, Extremadura and western Castille and León and Andalusia), although it will rain in the north (communities cantábricas, high Ebro, Aragon and Catalonia).

In terms of temperatures, The Field indicated that this week they will be in general somewhat below the normal values”. This means that in the Canary islands will be close to 25 degrees, in the south of the mainland, reaching around between 17 and 20, the inner and the provinces cantábricas will be between 15 and 17, and in the Northern Plateau will reach between 10 and 12 degrees.

Regarding the prediction of daily, Field stressed that this Tuesday it will rain in the north and inland areas of the mainland, as the Central System, while in the south there will be clouds. The rains will be more intense in the west of Galicia, where they could be strong (more than 15 litres per square metre in an hour) and persistent (more than 40 litres per square metre in 12 hours).

in Addition, this Tuesday is expected to temporary sea on the galician coast with strong winds that can exceed 80 km/h on the ground and raise the height of the waves between four and five meters, while in areas of the coast of asturias and cantabria there will also be sea revolt. The dimension of snow this Tuesday will be approximately 1,500 metres and will climb throughout the day, so that at the end of the day nevará in the summits of the Cantabrian mountains and of the Pirineros.

on the other hand, in The Field indicated that this Wednesday will continue the strong winds on the galician coast and cantabrian sea, as well as in the north of the Balearic islands, and rain on the atlantic slope of the peninsula (Galicia, Castilla y León, Community of Madrid, Extremadura and western Andalucía), in the Cantabrian, eastern and the western Pyrenees.

“Where more rain will be in the west of Galicia, but also in the Central System expect some rains of a certain intensity. In the rest of the peninsula it can rain weakly less in the mediterranean area, where it does not appear that they arrive”, he added in The Field.

The elevation of snow this Wednesday will be between 1,200 and 1,800 meters in the Cantabrian Mountain range and from 1,500 to 2,000 meters in the Pyrenees. And the temperatures barely vary.

on the other hand, in The Field indicated that another front atlantic will arrive on Thursday to stop rains especially in Galicia, Asturias, the west of Castile and León, Extremadura, and western Andalusia; in the rest of the country will not need the umbrella. The dimension of snow will be between 1,200 and 1,600 meters in the Cantabrian mountains, and go climbing to around 2,000 feet.

Field said that Friday will be “a day similar to Thursday, with rains in the west of the peninsula, and that the weekend also not expect many changes, with precipitation in the atlantic façade of the iberian peninsula, while the provinces in the mediterranean will have “a more stable and peaceful.”

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