Eupen (dpa/mv) – A delegation including State Secretary Heiko Miraß (SPD) and District Administrator Michael Sack (CDU) in Western Pomerania found out about cross-border cooperation in the Meuse-Rhine region in Belgium. The Schwerin State Chancellery announced on Tuesday that mayors and district administrators from West Pomerania in Poland were also taking part in the trip.

With a view to the German-Polish cooperation in Pomerania, Miraß said: “The experiences in the border area between Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany are very valuable for us.” The country supports the establishment of a cross-border facility. Part of the trip were talks with the head of a corresponding network in the Meuse-Rhine region.

“People on both sides of the border between Germany and Poland have the legitimate expectation that the border is less and less of a barrier in their everyday lives,” Miraß, who is also responsible for eastern Mecklenburg, was quoted as saying. Until Wednesday, the delegation will be devoting itself to cultural cooperation, the economy, the labor market and mobility.