Schwerin/Greifswald (dpa/mv) – The churches in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are expecting full houses around Christmas and the turn of the year this year. On Christmas Eve alone (December 24), around 200,000 visitors are expected to attend around 1000 Christmas Vespers in the 341 Protestant parishes across the country, as the church districts of Mecklenburg and Pomerania announced to the North Church on Friday.

In many places, due to the great demand, several events are offered one after the other – from a nativity play in the afternoon to Christmas mass in the late evening. Church services also take place in the Catholic churches and on radio and television, which are also traditionally very popular on Christmas Eve.

“The longing for peace and justice is great this year,” emphasized Provost Dirk Sauermann from Parchim in his word for Christmas. War and crises plagued people – when celebrating Christmas, the light of hope, joy and peace could shine again. Sauermann emphasized that at Christmas everyone stands together at the crib. “Everything that divides us in the family, in partnerships and in society can be brought with us there. When we look at the child, will our hearts open for a new and peaceful coexistence? I wish the same for all of us.”