Greifswald (dpa/mv) – The container accommodation planned in Greifswald for around 500 refugees is to be built on the edge of the Baltic Sea district in the east of the city. It will boil down to this location, said a district spokesman on Friday. The area is next to a sports hall and a school. The “Ostsee-Zeitung” had previously reported.

On Monday, the Vorpommern-Greifswald district council wants to decide on the procurement of the containers. In addition, there should be a meeting of the district council of the Ostseeviertel on Monday evening, to which a representative of the district is also expected.

The district announced on Tuesday that appropriate accommodation should be built in Greifswald and that there would be several areas to choose from. According to District Administrator Michael Sack (CDU), the accommodation should be built as soon as possible. He expects a continued strong influx of refugees. The community accommodations in the district are fully occupied.