Torgelow/Grimmen (dpa/mv) – In Western Pomerania, the police found a mobile home that had been stolen in Brandenburg, along with a suspected thief. Potsdam officials had previously reported the theft to colleagues in Neubrandenburg on Thursday, the police said. There were indications that the vehicle was traveling in the Vorpommern-Greifswald district. Officials found the mobile home in Torgelow a short time later. The alleged thief was hiding in the vehicle. The 26-year-old Pole was arrested according to the police. Among other things, a police helicopter was used.

A mobile home that was probably stolen in Grimmen on Thursday night is still gone. The police are looking for witnesses.

Motorhomes have been repeatedly stolen in Western Pomerania for the past year. According to the authorities, the detected thefts now add up to damage in the seven-digit range. The experiences pointed to cross-border crime towards Eastern Europe, according to the State Criminal Police Office in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

A suspect was recently arrested in Gdansk, Poland. One assumes several accomplices, the spokesman for the Stralsund public prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday. In addition, a trial against men from Poland for mobile home theft is currently underway at the Rostock district court.