Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Update for homeland funding: With digital applications, tradition-conscious people in North Rhine-Westphalia should be able to access the funding pots more easily than before. For this year alone, 33 million euros are available “to promote what connects people,” announced NRW Home Minister Ina Scharrenbach (CDU) on Tuesday in Düsseldorf.

The five funding modules that were launched in the last election period: Heimat-Scheck, Heimat-Prize, Heimat-Fond, Heimat-Werkstatt and Heimat-Zeug will be continued. Since the start of the first funding period in 2018, around 6,000 projects with a total volume of around 100 million euros have been approved.

The first four programs, which are intended to support identity-forming and community-building projects in different ways, can now be applied for completely digitally. Clubs and initiatives that shed light on local history, for example through film projects, monument trails or village apps, can apply for a homeland check of 2000 euros.

The home certificate, which is highly endowed with funding from 100,000 euros, sometimes has to be applied for on paper. Support is given to those “who work up or present the history or tradition of important places or buildings in a contemporary and interesting way in a special way,” as the ministry explained. More information about the applications can be found on his homepage.