The Higher Administrative Court based in Münster deals with building law, asylum issues and disputes relating to the construction of wind turbines. The management takes stock on Thursday for 2022 – and ventures an outlook on the most important procedures of the year 2023.

Münster (dpa/lnw) – The North Rhine-Westphalian Higher Administrative Court today provides information on the most important proceedings of the current year and takes stock for 2022. The OVG in Münster decides, for example, on Sundays when shopping is open, development plans, disputes about wind power, the right of assembly, the Corona Protection Ordinance or Police operations or the right to asylum.

In the second instance, the Higher Administrative Court takes care of the proceedings of the seven subordinate administrative courts. When it comes to wind power, the court based in Münster is the court of first instance. For this purpose, an additional new Senate was set up in 2022 due to the increased importance. At the annual press conference, the OVG also wants to provide information on the special nature of large-scale processes such as power plants in addition to this topic.

Vice President Sebastian Beimesche has headed the OVG since mid-2021. The position of President of Ricarda Brandt, who has retired, has not yet been filled.