On her way home from a nightclub, a young woman from Hamm meets her murderer. Now the Dortmund jury has spoken the verdict.

Dortmund (dpa / lnw) – Nine months after the violent death of a 25-year-old woman in a park next to the Higher Regional Court in Hamm, the Dortmund jury has pronounced the verdict. The 28-year-old man was sentenced to 13 years in prison on Wednesday for murder. At the same time, the judges also ordered the man to be placed in a closed psychiatric clinic for an unlimited period of time. This is initially carried out and can theoretically last significantly longer than 13 years.

The judges are convinced that the accused killed the young woman for sexual satisfaction. Both had spent the previous evening independently of each other in a disco in downtown Hammer. The judges left it open whether the 28-year-old followed the woman on the way home or whether he met her by accident. However, it is clear that he had a sexual motive when he stabbed the 25-year-old with the knife. “Why else should he have undressed the corpse on the lower body,” it said in the verdict.

The defendant has a previous conviction for sexual offenses. According to a psychiatric expert, he suffers from borderline personality disorder and an impaired sex drive. The verdict is not yet legally binding.