The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in an institutional appearance without questions together with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has assured that Spain assumes the presidency of the EU with the hope of carrying out a useful task for all of Europe. “Key decisions are going to be made for all of Europe and the rest of the world,” he stated at the end of the meeting that both held at the La Moncloa palace in the early stages of the Spanish presidential semester.

Sánchez reiterated that the EU will continue to support Ukraine in everything that is necessary and for as long as it is necessary and, in addition, will work “hard” to advance on four fronts: the files related to the reindustrialization of the continent, guaranteeing security citizens, to think about the reforms that need to be carried out so that Europe continues to be an effective reality for all citizens and, in this sense, to start preparing a new strategic agenda that must be approved in 2024.

The president has also emphasized the importance of the EU Summit with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAC) to be held in Granada, in the reform of the electricity market and in the development of the so-called social pillar to promote taxation fairer and the protection of the most vulnerable groups. To all this he has added the purpose of strengthening European unity. “For these priorities we will work tirelessly in the next six months,” he assured.

Charles Michel, for his part, has also emphasized the EU’s duty to support Ukraine for as long as necessary and has ensured that Spain in this area has been “a leading country promoting commitments and seeking solutions”. “I have no doubt that Spain will rise to the situation,” he said.

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