Halle (dpa/sa) – In the appeal process for the death of a woman who was run over in the middle of the city, a verdict is expected on Monday (from 9 a.m.). As a spokesman for the district court said, the pleadings of the public prosecutor’s office and the defense as well as the verdict are expected first. A 22-year-old man has been charged with manslaughter and hit and run. He has denied the allegations. The 43-year-old was hit by a car in December 2019 and injured so badly that she died a little later. The trial should clarify whether the pedestrian died because of an illegal car race by the accused.

At the beginning of this year, the district court in Halle had sentenced the accused to two years probation for negligent homicide – under juvenile criminal law. The plaintiff appealed against this. The case was retried in the district court. The co-plaintiff represents the woman’s family.