Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer is demanding more say from the federal states in the energy crisis. “Three coalition factions in Berlin are not the ones who make decisions for this country alone. We are in a federal country, the federal states play a major role in this,” said the CDU politician on Tuesday at the groundbreaking ceremony for a new Jenoptik factory in Dresden .

Kretschmer suggested federal-state rounds like in the Corona pandemic. “With Corona, we sat together in crisis summits every two to three weeks, also to make these decisions together,” said the head of government. “That is our expectation – to come to such a discussion format quickly, to talk quickly about the criteria according to which savings should be made here.”

The head of government also said that it was not just about savings that had to be talked about, but also about increasing the supply of energy. The prices should go down. Everything has to be thrown into the balance for this. “For me it’s clear: With this high level of energy prices, this country will not have a good future.”