One of 2 injured U.S. Capitol Police officers has died after being struck by a defendant who subsequently rammed their car to the north barricade of this Capitol complicated Friday afternoon before departing the vehicle using a knife, acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said in a media conference.

Police opened fire and the defendant is dead,” Pittman said.

“The defendant exited the vehicle using a knife hand. Our officers then participated that defendant. Following the defendant lunged at officials, they”fired upon the defendant “

“He started his USCP support on March 7, 2003, and has been a part of the Capitol Division’s First Responder’s Unit.

The defendant who had been murdered by Capitol Police was identified as Noah Green, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Police are taking a good look at social networking postings considered to be connected with Green. No apparent motive was created, sources said.

The FBI Indianapolis Field Office is also providing support and helping law enforcement partners at the analysis.

Another officer was reported in”secure and non-threatening condition.”

Hill staffers have been shipped a message from U.S. Capitol Police about 1:20 p.m. stating that”because of an outside security hazard… no entrance or exit is allowed.” The message said individuals could move around in the building”but steer clear of exterior doors and windows. If you’re outside, seek refuge.”

“We don’t have the defendant on record with U.S. Capitol Police,” Acting Metro Police Department Chief Robert Contee explained. “So there’s absolutely no indication now that there’s a nexus to some member of Congress.”

Conte also said the episode did not seem to be terror related.

Congress was in recess once the episode happened, and lots of employees offices were closed in observance of Good Friday.

The D.C. National Guard set an”Immediate Reaction Force” to encourage Capitol Police through Friday’s episode, according to a spokesperson.

Around 40 National Guardsmen lined with riot equipment to obstruct access to Constitution Avenue, just east of where the incident happened. Capitol Police and the National Guard also blocked off streets and pedestrian access Close to the Supreme Court.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered flags in the Capitol reduced to half-staff in honour of this officer who expired, ” a spokesperson for Pelosi said in a tweet Friday.

President Joe Biden also issued a proclamation ordering flags to be flown in half-staff through Tuesday in the White House and on national grounds in Washington, D.C.

In a statement, the president and the first woman were”heartbroken” over the mortal attack.

“We send our heartfelt condolences to Officer Evans’ loved ones, and everybody grieving his loss. We all know what a challenging time this was around for the Capitol, everybody who works there, and people who protect it,” the announcement said.

Pittman also requested the public”maintain U.S. Capitol police and their families in your prayers.”

“It was a very tough period for U.S. Capitol authorities following the events of January 6 and the events which have happened here now. I request that you keep our U.S. Capitol authorities family in your thoughts and prayers,” she explained.