Arrested the perpetrator of the murder of three women in ValgaFeijóo called “aberration” the crime of Valga and Sanchez says that will not stop “until put an end to the machismo,”The author confessed to the crime of Valga had a history

they Spent a few minutes at 8 in the morning yesterday when multiple shots woke up neighbors of Cordeiro , a small village of the pontevedra town of Valga. What followed the blasts were minutes of anguish that culminated in one of the crimes more violent of the last several decades . José Luis Abet Lafuente, 43 years old, and in the process of separating from his second wife, Sandra Boquete, travelled by car to the house where your former spouse was living with their two children, aged 4 and 7 . What made the time that I knew that the mother and the small ones went out of the house. She, to go work in a factory of aluminum nearby. Children, to be collected by his grandmother and his aunt, who used to take them to the school. Hence the whole family to Boquete was in the immediate vicinity of the residence, a single family house, when José Luis Abet opened fire on his ex-wife , 39-year-old, who was inside the vehicle. Next to her were her children, who suffered no physical damage.

Not suffered the same fate his mother, 58-year-old, and his only sister, a speech therapist only 27, to which Abet Lafuente struck at the entrance of the estate when, first one and a minute after the other, they tried to help Sandra, the called to advise that her ex-husband was in the vicinity . Small witnessed the dramatic shooting at a few meters before escaping by running to a neighbor’s house, the first to give the distress call.

At the scene of the crime —was analyzed by members of Criminology of the Civil Guard— were laid the bodies of the three women, according to sources consulted by ABC, the man would have shot with a short firearm, for which he was not permitted and that could be purchased on the black market. After several hours of searching, members of the GEAS of La Coruña found the revolver employee and a box of ammunition into the river Tambre, in the vicinity of Ames, the current municipality of residence of the author of the acts.

Returned home

After take aim and shoot at their victims with this revolver, the man jumped in his car and drove just twenty miles from the place of occurrence of the house that he shared with his mother from the emotional split. From this place, and after getting rid of the gun , called the Civil Guard to warn of what he had just done. I knew, according to sources close to confirmed to this medium that “his wife had killed” , but unaware if its exsuegra and your excuñada continued with life. His attitude, described by the agents, was total “peace of mind” when they came to the house of his mother to handcuff him and detain him. is No hint of nervousness or remorse and a lot of cold blood . A few hours later, the address from which the phoned remained cordoned off, although with all the blinds lowered and no one already inside.

House of Love where the self-confessed murderer was delivered – JOSÉ LUIS JIMÉNEZ

While the author confessed it was transferred to the dungeons of the barracks of Milladoiro, in Cordeiro lived moments of maximum desolation. The news was not long in running for the parish, where the neighbors went into a state of shock . Most knew the couple and knew that he had moved was because they were separating. On the relationship hovered also the ghost of the ill-treatment, as recognized by a neighbor, next, although there were allegations of gender-based violence or restraining order of any kind.

Forty killed

the case of The triple murder, listed as male violence, lift forty women murdered by their partners or ex-partners in Spain so far this year. The roster of children who have been orphaned, because of these crimes, has already 28 cases. In the case of the galician Community, throughout this 2019 have recorded five murders sexist, but the statistics do not count the deaths of the sister or mother of Sandra, for not having maintained a direct relationship with his executioner.

About the horizon of the children of the former spouse —witnesses of the murders of her mother, her grandmother and her aunt— the mayor of Valga revealed yesterday that they will be in the care “of a family”. “It will not be your grandfather, given that the team of psychologists that responded to the minor, he ruled out that option to understand that it was not right that they resided with him, because in that house, missing her grandmother and her aunt ,” said the alderman, his once companion in the hall of the father of Sandra. “This is a terrible time. It is one of those crimes that breaks you inside,” told from the point of the event the subdelegada of the Government in Pontevedra, Maica Larriba, who explained that the authorities have registered two cases of gender-based violence in the municipality, one of medium risk and another risk is not noticeable, “but none of them was that of Sandra”.

To clarify the circumstances of the multiple crime of Valga is provided by the Court of Instruction number two of Caldas de Reis, the same court where your day went to the double murder of the two girls of Moran at the hands of his father, the first person convicted of Spain to the permanent prison revisable. In addition, the Sandra Boquete is the second case of gender-based violence that shakes the town of Valga in the year , after the death last march, María José Aboy Guimarey, that her husband killed her with a shotgun before committing suicide at the family home. Another sledgehammer incomprehensible to the inhabitants of the municipality.

it Is amazing. With these children in front . I couldn’t believe it this morning when I found out. If the major had just made the communion…”, commented a neighbor of the locality, yesterday taken by the media. No one could have imagined an outcome so horrific, although the environment of the deceased knew of the fears of Sandra , because she herself had come to comment in recent times, coinciding with his separation. It is more; once committed the crime, were some of the messages from Facebook that the woman received a few days ago in your wall and in which an individual, whose name does not fit in with that of her ex-husband, he complained that “the house in the name of your parents, and you’re going and asking me for the divorce and over don’t let me see the children. Let go of the victim already tired”. Sources of the case required that the murderer was obsessed with the divorce, he was going to leave in ruin.

In a first moment, the judge in charge of the investigation wanted the small to be addressed by the psychologists of the Civil Guard, for a first statement, before considering them psychologists of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Galicia. In addition, and to keep them away from the nightmare that they lived, neighbors took him to the house where the children were sheltered children of the parish they often play, in an attempt to give traces of normalcy to the complicated situation in which we find the two small. Waiting to know the results of the autopsy of the three women —that will confirm the number of shots received, and the distance from which they were shot— it is expected that today the killer pass to justice.

The triple crime, and the fact that the children presenciasen the killings shocked yesterday to the public. From Argentina, the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, published a message on the social networks showing their disgust for what happened. “ it Is an aberration. All our love to the family of the murdered . Enough of male violence”. Also via Twitter, the president of the Government on functions, Pedro Sánchez, is said disconsolately. “That’s Terrible. A sense hug and all my love to their loved ones. We will not stop until you put an end to the machismo criminal who massacres women. I want to free, safe, and alive.”

late yesterday, in addition, the city Council of Valga held a plenary session extraordinary, to express their rejection, and to decree three days of official mourning in the town, where’s the flag flying at half-staff . Today is n higher expected concentrations along the length and width of the galician region.