“The prisons are becoming a powder keg” have pointed to the trade unions organizers

The trade unions CSIF, ACAIP, UGT and CCOO, have marched on Tuesday to Madrid by touring the headquarters of Citizens, PP, PSOE, and We may to demand an increase in their compensation, to be recognized as agents of the authority that are contracted to 3,500 new troops.

Responsible for each trade union convener have been delivered this morning in each headquarters a proposition of law which they expect to be debated in the Congress of Deputies. In the opinion of the responsible of ACAIP, José Ramón López, the Executive socialist is “very lost” and will demand to return to the negotiating table with the investment of 123 million euros, which was offered in September.

“you Must return to the table of the 123 million and that recognize the night and the festivities; this means some 40 million annually,” he explained for his part, the responsible prison of CSIF, Adolfo Fernández, who has also emphasized that they should be recognized as agents of the authority and must carry out an offer of employment is “worthy” because you will need a 3,500 effective.

Both from ACAIP as from CSIF have been highlighted in statements to Europa Press that this event has brought together more than 6,000 people, coming from different prisons scattered throughout the Spanish geography, which has been demanding that officials who do identical work, “charged the same.”

With this complaint require the deletion of the nine existing categories in the reward system, which leads, as explained, there are differences in the salaries of up to 700 euros per month exercising the same function. The unions argue that there is only three categories.

“There are officials first, and second, must be reduced by the differences, ask for something that is fair and that we suffer from the 80s”, have pointed out from CSIF. Lopez, ACAIP, has nuanced that it is not understood that in the Basque Country is copper more when it performs the same function as in other regions.

once more, Lopez has demanded the Ministry of Interior to return to the negotiating table with the 123 million euros in investments that offered in September 2018, and that removed a few days due to lack of budget. As has been pointed out, the Government of Sanchez is “absolutely indecent” and has asked him to leave “marketing”.

Assault day

For his part, the head of CCOO, Silvia Fernández, has pointed out that the manifestation of the prison officers comes after a year without being addressed their claims of “recognition, respect, dignity and justice wage”. “We want there to be a consensus of the forces of the mainstream pick up on a law the claims of prison,” he added.

In his judgment, the prison officials are the backbone of the penal system, which has required “the replacement of effective to be able to cope with the job with security, more resources, proper training and a plan of prevention against aggression”. As has been apostilled, almost all days occurs an assault on the collective.

For its part, the responsible prison of the trade union UGT, Antonio Gonzalez, has claimed that they recognize the “violated rights” of the officials. As has been reiterated, with the rise in remuneration will correct the pay gap between staff of different centers.

“We have a term for that –the Government– calibrated, but we have received one humiliation after another humiliation”, has apostille, to add that the prisons “are becoming a powder keg and it is unknown the consequences that can have.”

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