Erfurt (dpa/th) – The corona incidence in Thuringia has continued to fall. With 121 officially recorded new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, the Free State had the second lowest seven-day value among the federal states on Thursday, according to an overview by the Robert Koch Institute. The incidence was only lower in Saxony (109), the national average was a good 199. Four Thuringian districts – Eichsfeld, KyffhÀuserkreis, Gotha and Wartburgkreis – had a value of less than 100.

A week ago, the incidence in Thuringia was 178. Since then, the health authorities have counted 685 new cases, a week earlier there were 723. Relatively few people who are infected with the corona virus are in hospitals. Based on 100,000 inhabitants and the past week, around seven corona hospital cases were statistically registered on Thursday, with no distinction being made between admissions due to or with corona. According to the nationwide intensive care bed register, seriously ill Covid 19 patients were treated in 33 of the 516 intensive care beds occupied on Thursday.

However, experts assume that the number of infections is unreported, since the RKI numbers only include the cases detected by the PCR test, but not the evidence by quick or self-tests. However, many doctors now do without PCR tests.

According to the State Ministry of Health, 36 people who had tested positive for the corona virus have died in Thuringia in the past seven days. The total number of deaths in connection with a corona infection since the beginning of the pandemic a good two and a half years ago has thus increased to 7888.