This Saturday, January 15 Iñaki Urdangarin turns 54 years old and about to obtain the long-awaited parole, which as soon as he could achieve in the spring, he has begun little by little to rebuild his life.
On December 30, ten years of the imputation of him were celebrated, which led him to be sentenced to 5 years and ten months in prison, where he spent almost two of them in total isolation being the only male prisoner.
For this reason, this Christmas has been the best that has happened in recent times, because after achieving the third grade in January 2021, it has been able to meet with his family, the Infanta Cristina and her children, Juan, Pablo, Miguel and Irene, scattered
By Madrid, Barcelona, England and Geneva, with which he was skiing in Baqueira Beret.

This station was the favorite winter destination of the Bourbon when the reign of Don Juan Carlos was at his high time. There the then monarchs and their children, Prince Felipe and the infantas, used to receive the year in the villa that the owners of the station gave themselves in the pleta, which the former Dukes of Palma also frequented when they lived in Barcelona. As in the old days before the Nóos nightmare, now the Urdangarin has been seen enjoying these Christmas days together on the tracks, strolling through the station and sharing dinners and laughter. Later, they moved to Vitoria to spend the New Year’s Eve with the Uddangarin clan but, far from hiding from the photographers, as Cristina and her children were doing when she traveled to Vitoria this time ago to see Iñaki, at the infanta he saw it walk quietly with his sister-in-law, Lucia and Laura, through the center of the city. He also photographed her daughter Irene of her, the only one who lives with her in Geneva and who has spent school vacations in Spain, visiting her aunt Lucía de her. It was possible to see how units are the infanta and their children to the Urdangarin clan, their greatest support these years when Cristina de Borbón, after her rupture with King Felipe, has distanced her from her family although she is still a nail and meat with her sister Elena, who this year did not pass the New Year’s Eve in Vitoria as it used. After canceling the trip to Abu Dhabi that projected both to celebrate with King Juan Carlos the 84th birthday of him on January 5, the Infanta Cristina, accompanied by Irene, traveled to Madrid to visit Queen Sofia in Zarzuela.

Iñaki remained in Vitoria, where he resides since last spring after reaching the third degree. He lives with his mother, Claire Libaert, 84, at his home of city garden, a residential area next to the Prado Park, and works on a firm, Imaz Associates. To avoid contagions by Coronavirus, most of the prisoners of the Zaballa prison cis, which corresponds to Urdangarin, not overnight there, so he can sleep all week in maternal housing. He sometimes seen by Vitoria by bike or goes to swim at first time to a sports center close to his house, who regends a brother of his, where he also trains at the end of the working day. Once a week he must sign in prison and also attends the reintegration PIDECECO program for economic criminals. Some Sundays, after going to mass, he takes a pot with his brothers at some central bar, like the Felipe. Other weekends, the infanta moves to Vitoria, or together they travel to Barcelona to see the Son of Her Paul, who has followed the steps of his father and plays on the baboon team of Barça. In October he debuted with the first team in the Asobal League with the parents of him encouraging him in the stand. Even, on occasion, with permission from the Judge, Urdangarin has been able to travel to Switzerland to spend a few days with his wife and his daughter Irene.

Waiting for the definitive family reunification that will occur when you get the conditional, Don Felipe’s brother-in-law begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel, a stage that he himself defines, as he said, as “returning to the new normality”