VOX encourages suspicions about Afghan refugees who are coming to Spain and Europe claiming that they are “severe” controls on them to avoid “the possible entry of jihadists” among asylum seekers.

In addition, the party has reiterated the position on the crisis that already scored its leader, Santiago Abascal, when he claimed that Afghan civilians should be welcomed by the Muslim countries of the Afghanistan environment and not by the European Union.

At the interviews in Thirteen and La Cope, the political vice president of VOX, Jorge Buxadé, has put the focus on the alleged dangers and threats of the arrival of refugees to Spain taking advantage of the news that France is investigating five people who were evacuated from
Kabul for his alleged ties with the Taliban.
“This can not happen in Spain. We must be very severe with the entry control of all those who seek to seek refuge or legal residence in Spain,” he said in statements collected by Europe Press.
For this he asks “the particularized and singularized examination” of every Afghan who arrives.

Buxadé has warned the government that his “first duty” is to guarantee the security of the Spaniards.
A few words that are aligned with the position that also marked yesterday the national front leader in France, Marine Le Pen, who underlined: “The duty of fosterity of France passes to the background when the security of the French is threatened.”

“The Taliban have released all the prisons from Afghanistan, where it was from common prisoners to followers of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Islamist radicals and jihadists of all kinds,” he has warned, to influence that what happened in Syria can not happen.

“What has common sense is that we are very severe in the control of entry and guarantee that in no case will asylum be granted to anyone who can constitute a threat to national security and public order itself,” he has continued.

BUXADÉ has denounced the “political posture” and the “consensus progress” by which “the massive entry of Afghans” is claimed and has warned that the police “does not have the means” to cross the data and have access to the criminal record
of those who arrive.

VOX insists on claiming that Afghan civilians have as destiny the Muslim countries surrounding Afghanistan because, as Buxadé emphasized, “they have zero integration capacity” in Europe or Spain.
On the other hand, in these bordering states “it will be much easier for their integration in culture, society, customs and food.”

For the Vice President of VOX, Europe does not have to assume “all the risks” of a conflict that has an international nature and has been asked “how many Afghans is going to host China and other great powers.”