
Collaboration Key to Success in Software-Defined Vehicles Industry

The automotive industry is seeing a rise in collaboration between automakers and suppliers, particularly in the realm of software-defined vehicles (SDVs). According to Peter Maithel, the global automotive strategy lead for software specialists Infor, this collaboration is crucial for the success of SDVs.

Maithel emphasizes the need for companies to consider software requirements early in the vehicle design process to ensure an optimal consumer experience. He points out that collaboration between traditional OEMs and suppliers is essential, especially as major suppliers like Bosch are establishing their own software units.

Even small components of a vehicle can have a significant impact on customer experience and satisfaction. Maithel stresses the importance of focusing on the customer experience and engaging with customers throughout the manufacturing process.

As the automotive industry undergoes a transition towards connected, autonomous, and electrified vehicles, collaboration has become more complex. The supply chain is evolving into an ecosystem that includes not only traditional manufacturers and suppliers but also media providers, retail providers, telecoms, and other stakeholders.

Maithel urges automakers to embrace digital transformation and adapt to the changing landscape of the industry. He emphasizes the importance of moving away from legacy systems towards agile, scalable, and cybersecure solutions to meet the demands of modern consumers.

In conclusion, collaboration is vital for the success of SDVs, and automakers must stay ahead in the digital race to meet consumer expectations.


**Peter Maithel**

Peter Maithel is the global automotive strategy lead for software specialists Infor. With a background in automotive software development, Maithel has extensive experience in the industry. He is a thought leader in the field of software-defined vehicles and advocates for collaboration between automakers and suppliers to drive innovation and enhance customer experience.