Economy The president of the Control Commission of the Eurochamber reprimands Calviño for being a leaker and asks him to collaborate

Tension in the days leading up to the important visit to Madrid by the Budget Control Committee of the European Parliament to assess how EU funds are being managed in Spain. The president of this commission, the German Monika Hohlmeier, has written a harsh letter to the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, in which she reprimands her for filtering her contacts and asks for her collaboration, according to the text to which this newspaper has had access. .

Hohlmeier, a member of the European People’s Party, regrets that a letter that Calviño sent her on the 13th was already in the media before she herself read it in depth. “It was surprising that the letter was shared with the press shortly after I received it and before the members of the commission and I had the opportunity to properly delve into its content,” she criticizes her.

In that letter, Calviño promised him “cooperation” to evaluate how the funds are going, but stressed that “the autonomous communities have an essential role in the design and execution of the Recovery Plan.” This section caught the attention of the Bavarian MEP. “It seems that you pass on the responsibility for the success of the plan to the Spanish regions. We look forward to hearing the opinions of the communities in the consultation process that you describe and the way in which you have involved them in the design of the plan and how it is of shared responsibility in the execution”, responds to Calviño. Hohlmeier knows that not only communities of the PP, but also the Basque Country or Catalonia deny Calviño’s version that there is effective co-governance in the management of funds.

The president of the Control Commission of the European Parliament regrets that the Government has not yet made it easier for the members of the delegation to see Rocío Frutos, general director of the Recovery Plan at the Ministry of Finance in charge of evaluating the progress of the funds and who resigned last October without giving explanations. “She would greatly appreciate her support to facilitate this meeting,” the German emphasizes to Calviño.

In the letter he slips that although he sees the vice president of the Government “proactive”, he says he is convinced that Calviño “does not try to anticipate the conclusions of the mission before it begins.” And she reiterates that “as always, the Budgetary Control Commission will act in a non-politicized manner and based on facts.”

Calviño, the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero and of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, have confirmed that they will meet with the parliamentarians, although the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, has finally declined to participate, under whose responsibility was the call and failed Perte del Electric Vehicle.

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