thumbs up, that is the trademark of Facebook. It stands for “Like me”, and clicking on it is the easiest way for users of the social network to Express agreement or sympathy. The Internet giant is identified with it so much that he has it on a huge sign at the entrance of its Headquarters in California are. But the icon no longer seems quite timely. Because, at least, CEO Mark Zuckerberg don’t want to favor more.

Roland Lindner

economic correspondent in New York.

F. A. Z. Twitter

he told himself. “My goal for this next decade, it is not to be, but understood to be liked,” he announced in January. It was yet the clearest Signal to the Public that he no longer wants to go confrontations out of the way. Similar heard two years ago that its Top Manager, in plenty of martial Form.

at the Time, Facebook was rocked by a data scandal of the dubious British company Cambridge Analytica. Zuckerberg said that he would cease to lead, as in “times of peace”. Facebook was in the war. Therefore, he will make henceforth decisions faster and also one-sided.

“This is not a democracy”

The new self-image of Mark Zuckerberg is to be hardened and resolute. And he is determined to be the extraordinary power which he has, and to exploit it. Once clumsy and awkward in appearance, he wants to give the impression today that not to be trifled with him.

this explains, perhaps, how little he come up in recent disputes shows. For example, in the midst of the current boycott of Facebook Advertising to do more against propaganda and manipulation attempts of elections. He has found amazing resonance, more than 1,000 companies have expressed a want for the time being, no more Ads on Facebook switch, including large corporations such as Coca-Cola and Volkswagen. But Zuckerberg should internally have said, the advertisers would come “soon enough” and back again.

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At a Meeting with the initiators of the boycott a few days ago, he made no specific Commitments – to the disappointment of the company. And also in dealing with his own staff, his willingness to compromise has limits. “This is not a democracy”, he should have, according to a report in the New York Times on a meeting in the fall staff instructed, criticized him.