John Lewis died on Friday of cancer. Several former presidents and many leading American politicians paid tribute to the Congressman and civil rights activist who fought on the side of Martin Luther King against racial discrimination. President Trump tweeted that he was “sad” to learn of the death of Lewis’. On Saturday, he was ordered to put the flags over the White house and public buildings at half-mast.

Marco Rubio must, however, corners in the case of Twitter criticism. The Republican Senator from Florida had on Saturday published a picture on Twitter, he wrote: “It was an honor for me to be with him and with the possibility of blessed to get to know, to serve with John Lewis in Congress, a true and historical American heroes.” And: “May God give him eternal peace.”

The image may not fit to the Text: in addition to Rubio is not Lewis to see, but Elijah Cummings, a former democratic member of the house of representatives, who was, as Lewis is African-American. The photo with the 2019 deceased Cummings put out Rubio initially without comment. Later, he tweeted a picture, to show Rubio and Lewis in Miami three years ago. To do this, it is written: “prior to that, I tweeted a false image.”

criticism and malice followed the click. A user was: “they look all the same. I assume that you would agree, if everyone were to be assumed that they are because they speak Spanish, a Mexican?“ Rubio’s parents emigrated in the fifties, from Cuba to the United States. Other users on Twitter were making fun of me and posted images of the supposedly real Marco Rubio.