Industry Association: the end of the Flirts: economy, criticized Green

Well it is a year ago, as the Green had been Chairman of the Anna Lena Baerbock a home game of the unusual art. at the Time she spoke at the annual meeting of the Federation of German industries (BDI), until then, not just as a Green-fan base. However, instead of critical heckling Baerbock got for your vision of a climate-neutral economy, plenty of applause. Both the Manager as well as the Association of top complaints: not so bad, the Greens.

Julia Löhr

business correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

But, as is so often the case with Flirts: Sometimes the new love grows cold very quickly again. Between the BDI and the Green, this point seems to be reached. In a twenty-page position paper, the Association of lace torn to shreds by the most recently presented the basic programme of the Green. Nice buzzwords, but not much behind it, so the criticism can be summarized. Whilst it was good that the Greens would basically confess to the industrial location Germany. However, “left Unanswered the question of how the economic strength of Germany and of Europe in the face of numerous challenges, such as the corona-induced recession, the increasing re-nationalisation, protectionism, digitization, and climate protection is to be guaranteed,” it says in the paper that has been submitted to the F. A., for example.

The industry is criticized, especially the demands of the Green according to the “Zero-emissions city”, the “Decarbonisation of transport” and the end of “the pollution of the earth with plastic”. There are tons of keywords would be called, but no concrete ways of implementation, let alone their financing. Many of the green items, the Association believes that is simply out of touch with reality. “The significant Use of plastics and chemicals is negated. Such a stigma is from the BDI point of view, to reject.“ Similar critical words are found on the subject of traffic. In the year 2030, the Car will pass fleet in Germany, “mainly from vehicles with an internal combustion engine,” writes the Association. Not to forget the tax question. “The fundamental aim is to increase the tax burden level, fails to recognize the currently high tax burden of companies and natural persons in Germany.”

“is Incomprehensible, the company remains hostile tax policies”

For about two years, the party leadership seeks a closer contact to the economy. For example, a business was called the Advisory Council to life, in the Green-representative with managers how BASF’s chief Martin brudermüller discuss their positions. At the same time, trade associations were increasingly the conversation, finally, the probability of a future black-and-green Federal government is not low. The German Association of energy and water industries made the former economic policy spokeswoman for the party, Kerstin Andreae, to be its new managing Director.

unlike the last November at the party Congress in Bielefeld, Germany decided Leitanträge the recently published policy of the Greens is rather vague. The party wants to present itself with a view to the next government formation as an Alliance capable of. Remains open so far, whether they preferred an Alliance with the Union and possibly the FDP or with the SPD and the Left. After the state elections in Bremen last autumn, the Greens had both options, and decided in the end for Red-Green-Red.

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