Messe Frankfurt looks in spite of the Corona-crisis and the related significant restrictions on the global trade fair business to the future with optimism. Also she thinks of a possible expansion of its events portfolio. The strength of the group to succeed today more than ever, said the fair-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Lord mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD). In the second half of the year, the fair will drive your event business back up, it said. The book fair will be held in October in slimmed-down Form, the measure the form of next and Hyper motion to take place. In addition, the fair is ever more important abroad, to the course at some locations in business again. As some of its own events at the Start were in China from mid-July to again.

by Daniel Schleidt

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

“The temporary Lockdown in the exhibition business, not a business for Messe Frankfurt against a standstill,” said fair CEO Wolfgang Marzin. In spite of massive cuts in the year 2020, the company has sufficient liquidity to cope with the current Situation. However, you will probably only again in 2023, the level of fiscal year 2019. In the year 2020 will be a loss not avoid, said Marzin.

Messe Frankfurt aims to Portfolio may expand

Until then, the Messe Frankfurt wants to stay active and keep an eye open for how your trade show Portfolio to expand. Marzin said, it will certainly be a consolidation of the industry. Strong players such as Messe Frankfurt could emerge from this development strengthened. By means of the Corona crisis, the trade fair will develop in the landscape, said Marzin, “and the” Messe Frankfurt “is to participate”. The digitisation will also play an important role.

In fiscal year 2019, the fair reached new all-time highs. The sales most recently amounted to 736 million euros, compared with 718 million in the year 2018. The profit was 48 million euros from 71 million in the previous year. However, the fair has provided 20 million euros, as a so-called “onerous contracts”.