To sell

almost nothing is in the Berlin Gallery is Good, but to marvel at much. The surreal Humor of Michael Sowa is so popular that the images are mostly weggekauft of the easel, and since some of them were to be seen in the worldwide theatrical success of “The fabulous world of Amélie” is Sowa not only in Germany a Star. He is also a painter who likes to revise his pictures again and again, which makes the supply even scarcer. Because it is surprisingly enough, that Sowa has to get five images for the exhibition in Berlin is finished. And on the day before the opening quickly for the window of a gallery, a small pig on the bottom of an old soup plate has painted – the three-dimensional Version of one of his most popular motifs: the “soup of pig”. But not for sale, although it was at the opening of several inquiries from interested parties.

Andreas platthaus

editor responsible for the literature and literary life.

F. A. Z.

To see a total of more than forty paintings, almost all from private collections brought together for the second exhibition of the Gallery is Good, had the misfortune to be in March opened, but after the instant of closure due to Corona now has the luck to be able to Sowa, a very well-known artists are here. The concept of the two Gallerists, Steffi Gritz and Catherine Röhler is simple: you want to offer, what you like, and in particular, the edges to the center to get. The first exhibition of the gallery was the Schlumpern from Hamburg, a collective of artists with a disability, and on the Sowa-Looking to Work from the similarly-oriented Berlin’s Thikwa workshop. On the conventional White-Cube Aesthetic Gritz and Röhler do without; in the Corona times, they rallied together the edge of the road furniture from the fifties and sixties, in order to make the gallery a kind of living room. But also discoveries in the established art field are, for example, images of the recently deceased, so far only for his kinetic Work known Arnulf Hoffmann, the result of an encounter with his heir, the randomly walked to the gallery.

In the case of Sowa, the cooperation is less random; Steffi Gritz is the wife of the artist. There is Something to see a classic, the animal portraits from the “Amélie”Film or for its huge seascape “The order” of 1984, a Gorilla in a tiny rowing boat controls a young woman by huge waves. Most of the pictures are but small formats, and up to three of the ten are hanging on a wall. The new paintings have to get a private corner, and with “The temptation of St. Hubertus” is there even a medium-sized motif (11,000 euros). The image with the great title “Putin slays the gay agent jellyfish with the Holy sword”, however, is again characteristic of small (4500 Euro).

even with a smaller purse, something to offer, the gallery of individual images pigment prints in signed editions of five to ten pieces to make (140 to 520 euros). And from September to a working cuckoo clock will be available for the full hour, no bird, but a whistling pig free. The prototype whistles already in the gallery. Our illustration shows but a not for sale with the image of a in the current monument to a debate uncontroversial Monuments: the memorial for a beetle plague of 1868.

Up to 15. August.