The Mainz-based biotech company Biontech starts together with the American Partner Pfizer, clinical safety and efficacy study of the Phase 2/3 with up to 30,000 subjects with the selected Corona vaccine candidates BNT162b2. The two companies announced on Tuesday.

Ilka Kopplin

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The placebo-controlled Tests on human volunteers between the ages of 18 and 85 years, first starting in America and on a global 120 centers to be rolled out, including in Germany, Brazil and Argentina. There are also regions are to be included, the risk of a particularly high Transmission.

the American biotech firm Moderna, which is also working on a vaccination from the Basis of the mRNA technology, which began shortly before a broad-based study in the United States. MRNA messengers for the communication between the cells are responsible. MRNA is considered to produce relatively quickly, however, a vaccination is, as yet, been never allowed this genbasierten technology.

Four candidates

Now a Hand global the full potential of vaccines in the last phase of the study, the so-called Phase 3. A total of more than 20 candidates are being tested on people, such as an Overview of the world health organization shows.

Biontechs vaccine program called BNT162 includes four candidates. In April, the company was started in this country with the first clinical study. A short time later, a study in America followed. Of the two trials, the first positive data Recently.

Overall, the first data showed that the doses administered were well tolerated and a dose-dependent efficacy was achieved based on the antibody concentration. Even then, it had been announced that you wanted to start in July with a large-scale follow-up study to show that vaccination prevents infection.

In October, may follow the approval request

Recently, the American FDA had issued for two of the four vaccine candidates, the so-called Fast-Track Status, so a fast-track admission procedures. For this purpose, the candidate BNT162b2, and now it’s been for the large study selected counts.