What difficulties are there at the moment for foreign students who want to compete their studies in Germany?

Uwe Ebbinghaus

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

Kumar Ashish: The biggest Problem now is to get a visa. Those students who have already had one that is now expired but must apply for a new one. It is used to do the simplified renewal. Now you have to imagine again in the Embassy. The other difficulty is that the Embassy requires proof from the University that the presence of the respective study programme is compulsory. But the results from my point of view no sense. Because an Online degree from your home country is not a real study. I can attest to as a foreign student Online courses, but I often have no library, and other tools are missing. Therefore, the messages should meet the students in this question and you make no problems. The Minister of foreign Affairs should instruct the embassies to help foreign students.

How difficult is it for students who are not from the EU, to get a proof of presence teaching?

This is different. In the case of private universities there is no Problem. In the public part but already. Since the proof is rejected sometimes. Sometimes there is also a rejection of the message, even though you have proof of the University. For example, because the Corona of the Situation in North Rhine-Westphalia is difficult. I can’t find the right way. In such a case, I think it would be good if the Embassy would accept a proof that you tested negative for Corona. What is also often get a Problem: at All to an appointment at an Embassy, especially in India and China. Students need to many, to call many times and, finally, that there are no free appointments more. The Problem is increased by the fact that in these two countries, many students want to go to Germany. I think a message needs to have enough free dates. You can also offer Online meetings. Germany is way ahead in the current Situation, in many ways, but still not perfect.

back to the question of the presence of evidence of German universities. It is to foreign students responsive?

In the case of private universities, it is very easy. You write an E-Mail and has the proof in the next day or two. For example, in Oldenburg, but where I study, you do not get this proof, so without further ADO. In such a case, we switch from the high-school group for foreign students to us, and recommend, this proof issue, because the applicant is tested, for example, a negative Corona, at home, no access to libraries and the Situation in Germany is stable. This helps often. But it is a pity that only we can do – as far as I know – and not other institutions, or even all professors use.

you are basically an extension of the concept of “compulsory attendance”, because every good study should have a Presence in and of itself, the offer of a library has?

Yes, but it’s not just libraries, students need to get a good grade, but also the direct assistance of professors and the exchange of in groups. So far, most of the universities go on a number. You write back: Okay, unfortunately we can show only Online courses, how are we to provide the desired presence detection? You do not want to take risk. You should not but think particularly, but for the students to use.

Why the difficulties of foreign students are now also in Germany earlier publicly? At the latest, in the discussion of the rejection of German students in the United States, you would be able to point out for it.

we have already done the middle of April, and to the competent Federal and länder Ministers written (the Writing is in the editing), but this has not helped unfortunately.

The questions Uwe Ebbinghaus

Kumar Ashish studied Engineering Physics at the University of Oldenburg presented. In addition to his studies, he represents for the past three years, students at the University and is an elected representative in the h gas, the AStA for international students. He also works as a Tutor in the International office of the University. He is currently the Chairman and spokesperson of the Federal Association of foreign students (BAS) e. V.