The cold will put 16 provinces at risk this Wednesday with minimum temperatures of up to -6ºC, while frost will continue to affect a large part of the interior of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

Córdoba, Teruel, Huesca, Zaragoza, the Balearic Islands, Ávila, León, Segovia, Zamora, Ciudad Real, Guadalajara, Toledo, Madrid, Barcelona and Lleida will have a yellow alert due to low temperatures, as will Girona, which in turn will be at risk due to coastal phenomena.

In general, the maximum temperatures will not present these miércoles major changes, rather the increases will predominate, except in the southeastern peninsular from which they will descend. The minima, on the other hand, will descend in the southwest peninsula and will rise in the rest, in a more marked way in the northwest quadrant.

Likewise, weak frosts are expected in large areas of the interior of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, although less extensive than previous days, and which will be more intense in the main mountain systems and on the plateaus.

This Wednesday cloudy skies are also forecast in the Cantabrian area, upper Ebro, northern Iberia and northeast of the northern plateau, with light and scattered rains in the eastern Cantabrian, without ruling out neighboring areas, which will tend to subside.

In the rest of the northern half of the peninsula, cloudy skies will predominate at first, although tending to slightly cloudy in the second half of the day, and except for Galicia and the northeast of the peninsula with slightly cloudy skies.

Also, little or clear clouds are expected in the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, although with some intervals of morning low clouds in the northeastern depressions, coastal areas and in the Balearic Islands, and may be somewhat more persistent in the Strait. In the Canary Islands, the cloudy intervals on the islands of greater relief, with the probability of some weak precipitation, and little cloudiness on the easternmost islands will mark the day.

On the other hand, this Wednesday there is a probability of morning fog banks in the main mountain systems of the northern half of the peninsula, as well as in the depressions of the northeast, northern plateau and in areas of the Mediterranean coasts. The haze in the eastern Canaries at the end of the day is not ruled out either.

In addition, the north wind is expected with strong intervals and very strong gusts in Ampurdán, and less intense in the north of the Balearic Islands, while a north wind is expected in the Ebro, easterly in the Strait, from the northeast on the coasts of Galicia, and in the rest variable loose wind, with a predominance of the northern component in the northwestern half of the peninsula.

For its part, the Canary Islands will face a day of wind from the north, tending to loose throughout the day and intensifying again at the end in the eastern islands.

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