Directly after the parliamentary summer recess in early September, members of the FDP group in the Bundestag want to file a claim against the solidarity surcharge of the German Federal constitutional court. “With the expiry of the solidarity Pact for the rebuilding of the East of the solos would have to 1. January 2020 for all have to be abolished. Nevertheless, the CDU and the SPD hold on to it and thus risking open to the violation of the Constitution,“ said FDP Deputy, Christian Dürr, the German press Agency in Munich. The first session of the week in the Bundestag begins at 7. September.

The FDP group have tested in the past few months, a number of legal options, stressed drought. “After the summer break, in September we will pull out in front of the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe. Together with other members of the group Board of management, I’m going to complain for the FDP faction against the solos.“ Several reports have shown that the collection of the tax after December 2019, to be compatible with the basic law.

“you must Still pay this year, all citizens in Germany, the solos, even people with lower incomes,” said Dürr. The solos should be declared unconstitutional, it would affect all taxpayers, which would handle loading mass contradictions against their tax bills. “The fact that the coalition government ignored these concerns, I think, is highly problematic.”

The Federal government has decided, the solidarity Supplement for 1. To cancel January 2021 for 90 percent of the taxpayers. A further 6.5 per cent to pay him and then only partially – the higher the income, the more. Only the highest income of 3.5 per cent will continue to be asked fully to the checkout. The solos was originally as a special tax introduced especially for the development of Eastern Germany. He is 5.5 percent of the corporate income tax and personal income tax.