Why all your news now comes with a heap of condescension
BEDFORD, Pa. — While efficiently running the elegant hotel dining room, Traci Smithmyer briefly glances at the stacks of newspapers available for patrons to...
Charles Krauthammer: Trump and the ‘Madman Theory’
WASHINGTON — At the heart of Donald Trump's foreign policy team lies a glaring contradiction. On the one hand, it is composed of men...
Ginsburg: America is excellent mainly because ‘it is receptive to all people’
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told a massive crowd that had gathered to see her Thursday that the U.S. is not at...
Ottawa should name a children’s advocate: Editorial | Toronto Star
In the heat of the 2015 federal election campaign, the Trudeau Liberals promised to appoint a much-needed advocate for children. But like many of...
After the Trappist-1 discovery, the universe looks less lonely: Editorial | Toronto Star
When, in the mid-16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus corrected more than a millennium of geocentric folly by reestablishing that the Sun, not the Earth, was...
Krauthammer: Can Trump exploit the old "Madman Theory"?
WASHINGTON6 Months Ago6 Months Ago7 Months AgoAt the heart of Donald Trump's foreign policy team lies a glaring contradiction. On the one hand, it...
"We have an epidemic. And nobody is doing anything about it."
Gun injuries are a growing problem for Florida’s children, rising along with the increasing availability of firearms across the state, the Tampa Bay Times has found.To...
Constituents hold town hall meeting in Tampa with cardboard Marco Rubio (w/video)
TAMPA — His face was posted on popsicle sticks, printed on a life-sized cutout and hidden in Where's Waldo? styled puzzles. His name was...
Close to Home: Sheriff: Sonoma County will work with ICE only to ensure public...
(Editor's Note: At the request of the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office at 9:43 a.m. Thursday, this piece was updated in the fourth, fifth...
PD Editorial: Yes on Measure A: The cannabis tax is not perfect but it’s...
For years, supporters of marijuana legalization have argued that local governments stood the most to gain as it would allow them to regulate cannabis...