PNV, PES and PP reproach EH Bildu that instrumentalize the death of the young to attack to the basque Police

The family accuses the minister of “lying” and asked to appear in the Basque Parliament

The adviser’s Security, Estefania Beltran de Heredia, has stated today in the Basque Parliament that the recognition of the errors that occurred in the intervention of the Police that caused the death of Iñigo Cabacas and in his subsequent research has allowed it to be introduced and implemented improvements in the methods of action and protocols of the basque Police.

EH Bildu has been very critical of the adviser not to assume political responsibilities, while the groups PNV, PSE-EE and PP have accused the training wing nationalists of putting this case and to make policy with a fact so tragic.

The head of the Department of safety and Security has appeared this afternoon to discuss the ruling that has sentenced a middle manager of the Police for professional negligence in the death of the young supporter of the Athletic Iñigo Cabacas after receiving the impact of a rubber ball in the head.

In his intervention has provided new data and has insisted that the recognition of that in the one operating there were errors, as well as in the subsequent research, has allowed to develop new protocols, the new instructions are “much more demanding and thorough”.

As proof of this, it has highlighted that, since 2012, “has not been re-released not a single rubber ball”. “Recognizing the errors to make improvements,” he insisted, and apply “self-criticism to avoid the repetition, without waiting for the judgment.” Beltrán de Heredia has made a defense closed that were responsible for the commissioner of Bilbao at the time and subsequently head of the Police, Jorge Aldekoa, who last week submitted her resignation after recognizing that the judgment showed that the operation was not adequate.

The councillor has said that although the sentence “at no time questions the planning of the operation”, Aldekoa took his responsibility to understand that “things were not done properly, a gesture that makes you what, a few times we are accustomed to this assumption of responsibility.”

The spokesperson of EH Bildu, Julen Arzuaga, has considered that the sentence “is an amendment to the entirety of the operating that designed the lord Aldekoa”. Has been qualified as “cosmetic changes” and “gatorpardismo, change something so that everything remains the same” which have been introduced in the police model. The parliamentary nationalist has made a harsh criticism of the research process which, in its judgment responded to a “strategy of impunity to cover up for those responsible.”

The parliamentarians of PNV, PSE-EE and PP, Iñigo Iturrate, Alexia Castelo and Nerea Llanos, respectively, have coincided in pointing fingers at EH Bildu of putting the tragic death of the young man in your benefit and to attack the Police, a policy that lead following on from decades ago, when the ETA in addition to murdering the agents and the coalition is not condemning these acts.

For its part, the family of Cabacas, has accused the minister of lying because his trial did not provide all the evidence requested from the Court, investigating the death of her son and has announced that they are going to ask to appear on Camera to give his version of the facts.

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