Everybody wishes to be happy. Don’t we? Our happiness depends upon various factors like our health, wealth, lifestyle, behavior and the way we react to things. Among many behaviors, people who spend more time with nature, who are more involved in their communities and who are socially active tend to be happier. You can check this out if you are looking to live a simpler, happier and yet more meaningful life.

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When it comes to a meaningful life, you need to know what’s good for you.

People aren’t predictable as to what will make them happy. We easily get caught in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. We are so busy scheduled that we hardly spare time to look after our health. The fact is that we need to be happy to be healthy. These two concepts are interconnected.

Studies find that a meaningful life is connected to better health. This is absolutely true. Life has a story to tell. If your life seems to be better then you are living a healthy and happier life.

Happy people have strong immune system as they are less likely to catch cold and flu. They have healthy heart, and younger real age. Happy people cope up with pain better, recover sooner from surgery and their life expectancy is longer than that of unhappy people.

One of the strongest predictors of one’s level of happiness is his physical health. They have a complex link.

Happy life is one that is engaging, pleasurable, and meaningful. People who focus their energies on leading an engaging and meaningful life are more successful and live long healthier life.

A study that was conducted preferably on middle aged was on a single question as to what extent do you feel worthwhile for the things you do in your life.

The scale zero being “not at all” and ten being “very”.

Over the next four years answers were correlated with multiple measures of health.

People whose score rated their activities to be meaningful were less likely to live alone, they had strong relationships, spent more time volunteering and socialising, ate more of vegetables and fruits, exercised more and had better mental and physical health.

The outset of the study four years later was linked to many of these variables which suggests that one causes the other.

But essentially it might be the opposite method spherical.

To begin with being healthier leads you to search for more meaningful activities.

The way you experience life decides how happy or content you will eventually be, the study author, Andrew Steptoe says. More research is being done on this concept.

The new study can be taken with a grain of salt or with the other studies that have laid down the other behaviors and other determinants of health. But we know what factors play a role and one should develop them naturally along with other behaviors.