At some point or another in all of our lives, everyone suffers from a health condition that they feel embarrassed about. Now, that embarrassment can arise for a number of different reasons. Often, it can be because the person in question feels uncomfortable talking about their health at all, and that suffering from a health condition is something they feel ashamed of. It can also be because the condition itself is seen as being embarrassing. Because of this, these people put off getting the condition seen to, and they risk it lingering or becoming much worse.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no such thing as an embarrassing health problem. Everyone will suffer from an illness that they would rather not talk about at some point in their lives. Everyone’s body will let them down. And one of the main reasons these so-called embarrassing health issues are seen as embarrassing is that people do not talk about them and do not realise how common they are. From heart issues to hair loss, here are some of the common health issues that we all need to stop being embarrassed about.

Chest Pain

Chest pain may not seem like the most obvious culprit for this category but hear us out. Heart diseases cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK, and there are several reasons for this. One that we must not forget is that people dismiss it, and they do not realise how serious it is before it is too late. Another is that people feel ashamed or embarrassed about it and decide that it will sort itself out without them having to bother anyone with it.

Chest pain is something that should never be ignored. It can be the clearest early warning sign that something is seriously wrong. If you feel a sharp stabbing pain in your chest, or if you feel like someone is tightening a belt around your chest, then you need to talk to a doctor as soon as possible.

Erectile Dysfunction

This is one for the men reading this article, and it is something that a lot of people who suffer from it struggle to talk about. First of all, it is crucial to note just how common erectile dysfunction is. It is an issue that most men will deal with at some point in their lives, and there are many different reasons why you may be suffering from it.

One of the more serious is that there could be a problem with your circulation, and high blood pressure or obesity are common causes of erectile dysfunction. You may also suffer from this issue if you are under a great deal of stress or struggling with your mental health. Lifestyle factors like smoking and excessive drinking can also cause this issue. Long Covid has also been listed as a potential cause of erectile dysfunction. It can also come about as the result of a surgical problem, or a side-effect of medication. Don’t suffer in silence, visit your doctor, and find out what you can do.


It can be incredibly damaging to your confidence when you are suffering from an issue that is visible, and alopecia is something that people can really struggle with. Alopecia is a term that refers to the sudden loss of hair. Typically, people suffering from alopecia will lose hair in small circles. When this occurs on the head, this called alopecia areata. There are different kinds of alopecia that are less common, but alopecia areata has been estimated to affect roughly 15 in every 10,000 people.

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease, the body’s incorrect response to an infection, and as such it often occurs while you are fighting off another illness. However, it has also been linked to stress, and you can sometimes (but not always) be more prone to it if someone else in your family has had it. The good news is that alopecia does tend to go away by itself, but there is a chance that it may come back at some point. There are steroid treatments out there which some people use, as well as other alternative treatments, but it is worth noting that this situation will usually resolve itself. If you want to learn more about alopecia, why it happens and what you can do about it, visit Patient. They have a wide range of resources created by medical professionals to help you understand your body better.


It is perfectly understandable why you may feel embarrassed if you suffer from adult incontinence, but the number of people who also have this health condition may surprise you. Adult incontinence affects a lot of people out there, and although women are more likely to suffer from it than men, it is something that anyone can develop.

There are a number of different reasons why you suffer from adult incontinence, ranging from lifestyle choices to medication or surgery. However, this issue may have started, there are a lot of different options to help you. Your doctor will be able to recommend exercises that will strengthen your pelvic muscles, as well as lifestyle changes such as cutting out caffeine and alcohol. This is a health issue that you can do something about and there is no need to feel embarrassed about it.

Adult Acne

Anyone who suffered from acne as a teenager always hopes that they will leave it behind them after they go through puberty. However, adult acne is a very common condition that can often arise when you least want it to. It is very easy to become embarrassed about our skin, particularly when we feel like we ought to have outgrown it. But this is such a common condition, and it is important to remember that it is perfectly natural.

There are so many reasons you may suffer from adult acne, ranging from a hormone imbalance (for example, women often suffer from an acne breakout around their period, during the menopause or during pregnancy), to stress factors. Acne can sometimes be inherited, but it can also be caused by skincare products that you may be using. If you are concerned about your adult acne, you can always talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Sexually Transmitted Infections

It is always a shock when you discover that you have contracted an STD or an STI. Now, there are a huge range of different infections and diseases that you can get when you have unprotected sex, but there are a few tell-tale signs that you may notice. For example, rashes, itchy skin, or sores are classic giveaways. You may also notice pain or another discomfort during urination. If you suspect that you have contracted an STI, it is so important that you talk to your doctor straight away. They will be able to tell you what it is you have and what the best course of treatment is.

There are some STIs that you can clear up with some medication, and others that require more careful treatment. You will also need to contact anyone that you have had sexual intercourse or contact with since you developed these symptoms. The best way that you can avoid getting an STI is by using protection when you have sex. You should also talk to your partner about what measures they are taking to protect themselves, as well as protecting you.