The FDJ unveils its new “Happy dice” scratch game which allows you to win up to 30,000 euros. A game that involves scratching dice, as its name suggests. The goal ? Discover one or more combinations of identical dice, among the six rows, in order to win the associated winnings.

There are four winning combinations: 

Within this same game, there is a second game. The total of your points from your two dice must be greater than your opponent’s total. In this case, you win the associated winnings.

According to the winnings table on 3 million tickets printed, there are 3 tickets worth 30,000 euros to be won. There are also 10 at 1,000 euros, 500 at 100 euros, 125,000 at 15 euros, 100,000 at 9 euros, 307,000 at 6 euros and 391,000 at 3 euros.

“You have a 1 in 3.25 chance of winning and 66% of the stakes are redistributed to the players,” says the FDJ.

Available at the usual points of sale since Monday May 27, it is also possible to play online on the Française des Jeux website.