Presentation of the 24 French Film Festival of Malaga THE WORLD

the new edition of The French Film Festival of Malaga, organized by the French Alliance of this city, was presented officially in an act that was chaired by the director of the event, Hédi Saïm, and the ambassador of Canada in Spain, Matthew Levin. The sunset over this edition also counted with the presence of the director of the Center Culture by María Victoria Atencia of the Provincial council of Malaga, Pedro Bosquet; the vice-president of the Alliance Française of Málaga, Noemie Dansereau Lavoie; director of Institutional Relations of TARGOBANK, Nathalie Valverde; the actress and the producer of the film ‘Ma Reum’, respectively, Audrey Lamy and Frederic Quéring; and the lead actress of the tape ‘Charlotte du fun’, Marguerite Bouchard.

At the start of this new edition of one of the events of culture most traditional of the capital of the Costa del Sol, and highlighted the growing interest aroused by the unique festival of francophone that is developed in Spanish territory. As well emphasized by the director of Culture and Education of the Diputación de Málaga, Pedro Bosquet, who insisted on “the importance of that all over the world to learn a foreign language, especially in a province like Málaga, which lives of tourism,” and stressed “the opportunity offered by the Festival of French Cinema in this sense by offering films in original version with subtitles”.

In the educational work of this exhibition deepened the vice-president of the Alliance Française of Málaga, Noemie Dansereau Lavoie, who shared the special interest of the institution to “reach out to thousands of students of all Andalusia.” “The French is now the second mandatory language in Andalusia and this festival will receive this year more than 10,000 students,” he added. “The Alliance engine is a major cultural in Malaga, and in recent years we have expanded our vision to the whole of the francophonie, this is shown by the program of this Festival,” concluded Dansereau Lavoie. In this sense, the vice-president highlighted that, during the twenty-fourth edition, viewers will have the opportunity to get closer to the filmography of several countries in addition to France, among others, Belgium, Tunisia, Morocco and, especially, Canada.

Precisely the ambassador of Canada in Spain, Matthew Levin, thanked “the opportunity to get to know a city like Malaga thanks to the invitation of the festival for the participation of Canada in the programming.” “For us it is very important, this presence of the francophone film from Quebec in the contest, for two reasons: the first is that our reality of duality language is an essential part of our country, of our identity as citizens, and second, by highlighting the diversity and plurality that represents the Francophonie in the world, because to us, it would represent a danger the fact that to impose a single way of seeing the world and organise our society”.

The cultural attaché of the Embassy of France to the south of Spain, Marguerite Margaux, who apologized for the absence of the ambassador the meeting of trip, added that “the president Macron emphasized that there is no waiting to build Europe and no Europe without culture, and this festival is a French festival, but it develops in Andalusia”.

In this mission of transmitting culture, stressed during his intervention the director of Institutional Relations of TARGOBANK (Grupo Crédit Mutuel-CM 11), Nathalie Valverde, who made emphasis on the “pride of support from seven years ago, this fantastic cultural initiative of the Alliance Française of Málaga; the film seems to us to be one of the best ways to learn about different cultures.” “It is noteworthy that in France Crédit Mutuel-CM 11 is very involved with the culture, especially with the support of education, and the musical events,” he concluded.

The ceremony ended with the presentation of the first films to be exhibited in this edition, with ‘Ma Reum’ as an appetizer. The actress protagonist of this tape, Audrey Lamy, and the producer of the same, Frederic Quéring, stressed that it is a story of revenge of a mother’s love for his son, who suffers bullying at school. “Many students have been to see her in the three months that bears on billboard and think that it is because it is a comedy but it appeals to something universal,” he said Quéring.

‘Makala’ or ‘Chien de garde’, main attractions

The 24 French Film Festival of Malaga will bring some of their most important motion pictures ‘Makala’, the award-winning documentary, countless festivals, including the Cannes film festival; and ‘Chien de garde’, the tape francófonoa that will represent Canada at the Oscars in Hollywood. Emmanuel Gras signing the first of these two tapes, ‘Malaka’, a captivating story that plunges the viewer into the heart of the Congo of the hand of a protagonist magnetic with an iron will in the struggle for their dreams. In a record completely different presents ‘Chien de garde’, the story is fast-paced from the JP, the protagonist of a series of family relationships that are toxic that you have to deal and keep the balance. The young director Sophie Dupuis, triumphed in the Festival of Quebec (Canada) with a mise-en-scene in the service of the characters.

The veinticuatroavo contest will offer seven titles in Spain who have already had a good reception box office in the neighbouring country, in addition to adding six more in the Official Selection French-speaking. Between the previews should highlight the power of comedy, with hits like ‘Ma Reum’, with the bullying of the fund; ‘Voyez comme on danse’, of family intrigues; ‘Lola et ses Frères’, a near history about the ties that bind three brothers; ‘Tout le monde debout’, classic comedy about the romantic entanglements; or ‘Co-exister’, with a musical band interreligious as the engine of the laughter, that form the bulk of the latest in one of the film industries most powerful, and in the form of the world.

The actor Jean-Paul Rouve, star of two of the ribbons that are presented at the festival (‘Voyez comme on danse’ and ‘Lola et ses Frères’), will be one of the guests of this edition of the show, as well as the director of ‘Ma Reum’, Frédéric Quiring and acttriz Audrey Lamy, the protagonist of the film.

Among the French-speaking, ‘Charlotte du fun’, the story explores the discovery of sexuality in the adolescent female, it will open the appointment on the 22nd of October, and will continue to be below other titles of great interest such as ‘Chien de Garde’, tone, epic war; ‘Moon’, a film that explores the power of the groups in the adolescent age; ‘Vent du nord’, which addresses the problem of economic globalization; or ‘Primaire’, oriented to the universe of children’s education. All of them demonstrate a power narrative is brilliant and shed new perspectives on topics universales, in particular in the social field, in the come highlighting a good number of authors French-speakers.

Documentaries that move consciences

The chapter of documentary screenings will this year be held in The Thermal, which adds to the Pompidou Centre in Malaga as a space for watching movies, with the Albéniz Cinema as a base of operations. The big three papers selected for this edition are ‘To voix haute: la force de la parole’, a stunning production about a school contest of oratory; ‘Qu’est ce qu’on attend?’, of the award-winning director of ‘Montsanto’, Marie-Monique Robin, which this time removes the consciousness from the positive experience of changing things at the local level. Finally, the beautiful ‘Dernier jour to Shibati’, which are seized by its magical realism. These films, awarded in several festivals, have in common the theme of the transition, that is to say, how a city, a space, or citizenship, are able to transform a place, a habit or a way of being.

For its part, the Centre of María Victoria Atencia of the Provincial council of Malaga will also host a screening of the selected short films, a collection of works that is carried out in cooperation with the Festival Premier Plan of the city of Angers.

More than 11,000 school children learn French thanks to the movies

A year more, to the children’s section for educational institutions turns to be the appointment more attended of the contest, with the largest quarry of film viewers of how many festivals are held in Andalusia, as the estimated attendance exceeds 11,000 young people, who will come from centers of the eight andalusian provinces.

it Is one of the lines of work of primary importance for the Alliance Française of Málaga, which establishes an axis transversal didactic with the French Film Festival. In this way, the Alliance Française of Málaga accompanies the Junta de Andalucía in its policy of multilingual education in the educational centres and offers, in addition, a supplement in the learning of the audiovisual environment of the students, with a wide range of material available to teachers, with which they can work in French class films viewed at the festival.

a Tribute to one of the greatest, Jean-Pierre Melville

The festival will count with the special look to a creator of enormous size art, in this case Jean-Pierre Melville. The director alsatian, one of the precursors of the Nouvelle vague and the indisputable reference point of the film polar French, will be the protagonist of the retrospective of this edition, with the screening of some of the most remembered titles in his filmography, such as ‘L’ armé des ombres’ and ‘Le cercle rouge’. In addition, it will be a unique opportunity to view ‘In the mood for Melville’, a film in which Benjamin Clavel looks back on the influential career of this director, in the centenary of his birth, an author with only 14 films left an indelible mark on the seventh art.

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