Agnes wold’s best piece of advice for coronaskydd for those who are 60 and over

the WHO classifies coronavirusets the spread of a pandemic. At the same time, warns the Folkhälsomyndigheten in order to reduce the risk of infection in Sweden is a ”very high”.

For people who have a chronic medical condition, or are over 60, there is a greater risk to be affected by a virus disease. However, there are recommendations in the 60-plussare can take to help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

According to professor Agnes Wold, regarding, among other things, to be a little bit meaner than usual. This means that, for example, to say “no thanks” when your children or grandchildren, invite to his home.

” Young people often get a very mild illness. They could have been, but to be noticed, and then, the infection of older persons, ” says Agnes Wold.

She continued.

” Young people are not as good an eye as the older of the symptoms. In the middle age, when you have children, you are ever a little under the weather, and then, perhaps, you do not think whether the new symptoms are popping up.
okay, to meet with the elderly people
Mostly it is the younger crowd, and the activities are indoors, the professor warns. The safest thing is to be in touch with the younger generation, over the phone or on Skype.

” About a month or so, you can meet the children and grandchildren in the outdoors. It is always safer outdoors because there is little risk of contagion in the open air, ” says Agnes Wold.

To meet with the older people inside, is said to be a small risk. People who are over 60 years of age, or who is at risk, does not carry the infection without notice, according to the professor.

” If you’re a bit older, it is best to be healthy, retired, pensionärsgympa, and the like.
– Avoid public transport
According to the Alice World, there is little danger of infection during a walk or the like, especially for those who hold to a distance of 2 to 3 feet of other people.

on the other hand, it may be helpful to avoid a cluttered places, like the grocery store or in public transport, as it is that most of the people in the movement.

” It’s all about keeping the distance, so as not to breathe in the same air as someone who has the infection. However, to run to the store early to avoid the rush-hour traffic is, of course, the one benefit you have as a retired person, ” says Agnes Wold.
do not Call the health care for the krasslighet

any further advice from the professor is not to make a call to the service of man, only to feel a little under the weather. The healthcare sector is heavily loaded, and the older the person, the probability is very small, less sjukdomskänningar is a result of the covid-19.

“you Have only very mild symptoms, there is no danger,” says Agnes Wold.

She continued.

” Maybe 10 percent, maybe more, by older people who are affected go on to a really serious lungsjuka. That is when you see it, it feels like you can’t breathe. It is not something to miss out on. You don’t need to be worried about missing symptoms.

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