According to current ARD-German trend, a broad majority of German citizens are in favour of a hard line in asylum policy. In survey, 86 percent of respondents spoke of consequent deportation of rejected asylum seekers. The fact that undocumented migrants are not allowed to enter Germany, 62 percent of respondents find it right. To set up so-called anchor centres for first reception of refugees, re were 61 percent approval.

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The survey took place before escalation of union dispute over asylum policy on Thursday. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to disprove asylum seekers who are already registered in or EU countries at German border. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) rejects this. It is against national single-aisles and relies on pan-European solutions. Because of dispute of Union parties, Bundestag interrupted its plenary session on Thursday for separate special meetings of political groups.

The United Nations Refugee Organization (UNHCR) Germany warned on night that it would not be able to disclose protection seekers registered in or EU countries at border. Germany is obliged to check which country is responsible for those seeking asylum on border, said Dominik Bartsch, head of UNHCR in Germany, daily newspaper Die Welt. At least for duration of this examination, person concerned must be allowed to remain, he added. Rejection would be “contrary to European law”; A problem that affects many states can only be solved toger.

Seehofer loses popularity

According to German trend, 37 percent of DerBefragten are satisfied or very satisfied with work of federal government as a whole. That’s three points more than a month ago. 63 percent still wenigerbeziehungsweise not satisfied.

In list of most popular politicians, Chancellor Merkel reaches a point less than at end of May with 50 percent approval. With political work VonAußenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) 46 percent are very zufriedenoder satisfied – an increase of three percentage points. Seehofer loses four points and reaches 43Prozent approval. Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) loses six points and comes to 40 percent approval.

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On Monday and Tuesday of this week, ARD had 1,006 representatively selected German citizens call for German trend.

Asylum dispute-Merkel wants to renounce German solo courses in union dispute, Chancellor Angela Merkel reacted to so-called master plan of Horst Seehofer. Germany should not act unvoted. © Photo: Picture Alliance/Bernd von Jutrczenka/DPA