G20 summit: Police search Europe-wide housing and left-wing meeting points

Almost eleven months after riots at G20 summit in Hamburg, police started early Tuesday morning in Italy, Spain, France and Switzerland to search apartments and meeting points of left-extremist scene. As public prosecutor and police in Hamburg, investigators of “Black Bloc” commission will be assisted in search for suspects from numerous police departments and European Authority, Eurojust, based in The Hague.

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The investigations were mainly about n riots in hamburger Elbchaussee, authorities shared with m. In context of summit of world’s major economic powers, re had been violent riots despite use of more than 20,000 policemen. Violent demonstrators attacked policemen, set cars on fire, and plundered businesses.

The NDR reported, relying on Soko director Jan Bat, that basis for searches was evaluation of video material, which connects several suspects with riots in Elbchaussee. In addition, investigators have succeeded in proving ir involvement in riots by analyzing DNA traces suspects.

EU arrest warrant for a man in France

In France, investigators wasted space a man for whom Hamburg prosecutor has obtained an EU arrest warrant. According to NDR, police also searched objects in Rome and Genoa in Italy, including apartment of a man who had already been convicted in Hamburg because of attack on police officers in Stern Hill. Meanwhile, Hamburg investigators assumed that he was also involved in riots at Elbchaussee.

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In Bremgarten in Switzerland, officials searched living quarters of a 27-year-old man whose photo investigators had published. In addition, three search warrants were enforced in Spain in Madrid metropolitan area. All in all, commission is investigating seven suspects on evening of July 7, 2017 in riots in Hamburg Hill district police officers attacked. In course of day Hamburg police want to present more photos of suspects of Elbchaussee riots.

Since December 2017, Hamburg police searching in connection with G20 riots publicly for offenders. Recordings of suspected perpetrators were published online. On April 13, 2018, police had launched a Europe-wide manhunt for 24 suspected rioters. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) sent a wanted list of pictures of two dozen previously unknown persons “to European States selected by LKA Hamburg”, it was said in a response by Federal Ministry to Left faction, from which Newspapers Spark Media group quoted two weeks ago.

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