It is from the presidential palace that the Prime Minister made public, after having exposed it to the table of the Council of Ministers, the content of the government program for the weeks to come. Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday presented her roadmap for the “hundred days of appeasement” and “action” decreed by Emmanuel Macron, which includes a wide range of “concrete” measures, such as a green industry bill. which will be presented mid-May.

The head of government detailed “concrete solutions (and) life-changing actions (of the French)”, at the end of the Council of Ministers where she outlined the measures to try to turn the page on the highly contested reform retirements.

The Prime Minister, however, announced that the immigration bill wanted by Emmanuel Macron would ultimately not be presented immediately, for lack of a majority, postponing a hypothetical text with vague outlines until the fall. “Today, there is no majority to vote for such a text, as I was able to verify yesterday by talking to the leaders of the Republicans”, whose contribution is essential to the government because it does not have to the National Assembly only by a relative majority, she acknowledged.

To show that the executive is acting on this “priority” without waiting for a law, she announced the mobilization “as of next week” of “150 additional police and gendarmes in the Alpes-Maritimes” to “face increased migratory pressure at the Italian border”.

On immigration, “if we cannot find a global agreement, we will, in any case, present a text in the fall, with efficiency as our only compass”, she said.

For the “hundred days”, Elisabeth Borne announced that a green industry bill would be presented in mid-May. “This is the meaning of the decarbonization roadmap of the major industrial sectors and the 50 most emitting sites,” she explained.

She also promised to obtain “a fairer distribution of the wealth produced by companies” and set herself for the next three months to debate in Parliament “the bill transposing the agreement between the social partners on the sharing of the value “. The Prime Minister also called on companies to “act collectively to raise wages”.

On environmental issues, she offered “personalized support” for the thermal renovation of housing. Asked about her commitment not to use article 49.3 outside the budget text, the head of government said she was confident of finding majorities text by text, adding that this is her “objective”.