Söder and the Corona-Tests: criticism from all sides

The Bavarian Prime Minister may have, in the last days of the old times, when his popularity ratings in Bavaria, were moderate and in the Rest of the country, far below. In the case of advances of all kinds, Markus Söder (CSU) could at that time be sure that it will hail of criticism from all sides.

Alexander Haneke

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

Actually, those days are history, but since Söder on Sunday, the first Details of the new Bavarian strategy in the fight against the Corona pandemic, was presented to rank most of the reactions numbered between skepticism and rejection. He could only wonder, said Söder on Tuesday after the meeting of his Cabinet, why in Germany, a week long “test, test, test” as a Central Element of the strategy will be issued and it is hot then all of a sudden, it would bring nothing if somebody go this way.

Actually had not only the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) commented on the Bavarian way skeptical of free trials for all citizens to offer. From other countries there was little agreement. As an Argument, the recommendation of the Robert-Koch was headed-Institute (RKI), Corona-Tests as possible in a targeted manner; in addition, there were the warning against the danger of a negative impact-tested citizens could weigh in a false sense of security, as well as the note that the test result is always only a snapshot.

Söder: The easy sense, is already there

especially the factor of cost came up again and again. The amount for the free state according to Söders statement to approximately 200 million Euro, to 30,000 Tests a day, the country wanted to expand its capacity. On the invoice, that more Tests led to a false sense of security and in order to more easily sense, did not want to engage Söder: “The recklessness is already there,” he said.

Who loose permanently, had to test it. And with a view on the fear of a second wave of infections as many Tests in the General population “early warning system” to detect new foci of infection early.

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